• tordobs4mn1

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  • tordobt1_voce1_schiamazzobt1 (4m11sec)

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  • tordocatano_bti-mauro2 (2m22sec)

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Richiamo tordo | Canto tordo e uccelli in mp3


I canti mp3 ti verranno inviati al tuo indirizzo mail appena completato il pagamento 

Canto tordo, canto uccelli in mp3  per il richiamo tordo. Ascolta e riproduci i file in formato mp3

Nella sezione del canto tordo e canto uccelli in mp3 puoi trovare una lista completa di di richiamo tordo e uccelli simili.

Puoi ascoltare il canto tordo e il canto uccelli in mp3 e scaricarli direttamente sul tuo computer. 

Listen to bird songs in mp3 and buy your favorite ones.

  • Minimum order: € 1.00pm (six songs of your choice)
  • Additional cost for a single song: € 1.00  

Once you have completed your selection, go to the cart and complete your purchase.

The songs listened to are a demo and have a duration of approximately 10 seconds, while those that will be purchased are complete mp3 songs and have a duration of 24 seconds up to a few minutes. 

The birdsongs will be sent to you in mp3 format via email. 

For this product it is not cash on delivery is expected.